Solving math problems is like seducing beautiful women.


I recall once being on my way to the study hall in my dorm, many, many years ago.

I passed by one of my friends as I carried a large math book.

"Going to do some math practice?"He pressed.

I felt that unusual, on the grounds that up to that point, I calculated that I was "examining" math, not "rehearsing" it.

But it was logical.Math is a little bit different from other subjects, where you learn and memorize facts and figures and then use them on the test.

They give you problems, and you have to solve them, rather than just memorizing formulas.

It is not so much a memory or demonstration of understanding test as it is a performance test.

Similar to on the off chance that you were tried for your b-ball abilities, or your pie baking abilities, or indeed, even your temptation abilities.

Many guys fall into the trap of thinking that you can "learn" how to seduce women.

implying that once you "understand it," things will "sort of fall into place" for you.

Similar to learning how to tie your shoes or ride a bicycle.

There is a time in your life when you "don't know," then there is a brief time when you are "learning," and finally there is a time when you "know" and don't have to think about it.

However, conversing with girls and consistently dilmil attracting their attention is more difficult than tying your shoes or riding a bicycle.

The majority

of bicycles and shoes tie in the same way.Once you learn it, you're done.

But every girl is unique.They come from diverse backgrounds, have had diverse experiences, hold diverse beliefs, have diverse aspirations, and have diverse expectations.

Therefore, learning how to talk to girls is comparable to learning how to tie your shoes to math.

Every day, even the most brilliant mathematicians in the world must improve their "game."

Why should the actual game differ?

Naturally, this has "good news" as well as "bad news."

The "bad news" is that the idea that you will "arrive" at a point where you no longer need to worry and that it will just happen naturally is mostly a myth.largely promoted by men selling high-priced programs that claim to get you there).

However, the good news is that practice is always required.There are always new girls to talk to, new relationships to form, and new, more compatible ways to express yourself.

The key is to simply "be" who you are, rather than trying to "be" someone else.As a result, when "you" grow, it's not just a fake "you."

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