The Adult Seduction Mindset for Unrelenting Success


There are two primary mindsets in life. that of growing up and that of adulthood.

that of a recipient and that of a creator.

That of a person who is aware that only THEY are responsible for creating their happiness and that of a person whose happiness is dependent on the happiness of other people.

Many guys approach women with the "first" mentality as their default.They see that girl there as a net "giver" of happiness and their prayers have been answered.

The language we use reflects this.Her phone number is acquired by us.We are "caught" looking by her.We are fortunate.

All of these assume that we are some kind of desperate clowns hoping that the gods will be kind to us.

Naturally, many of us cover these up by going the other way.We believe we can "engineer" the situation to "amp up" her attraction, trick her into liking us, or con our way into her pants.

This is similar to switching from nice guy behavior to jerk behavior in order to avoid rejection.Both of them serve as exterior protection for an anxious young boy inside.

Which alternative is superior?

The adult mindset of a "trader."You have characteristics, she has characteristics.You want to learn about her strengths and weaknesses so that you can demonstrate them to her.You have something going if you like what she has and she triptogether likes what you have.All relationships, including romantic ones, friendships, and business ones, are built on this.

The only difference is that everything happens consciously in business, whereas it usually happens unconsciously in friendships and romantic relationships.

This is why so many relationships fail."Putting their best foot forward" is the first thing one or both partners do.

The issue is that continuing to do that is hard.You will soon return to your normal behavior.Unfortunately, something will appear suspicious unless that was your initial behavior.

You would be guilty of fraud if this were a business transaction and you "misrepresented" yourself.

Therefore, why not simply discard the entire notion of "put your best foot forward"?

Be who you are from the beginning.If you let her see who you Reviews really are, she won't be attracted to the persona you're trying to create but to the real you.

This "trading" model of exchange can be found practically everywhere in life.

You will master life if you learn how to master it.or any other option.

Visit Mind Persuasion right now to learn how to use the irresistible power of covert hypnosis to create amazing levels of fantastic seduction.To get you started, you can download your free set of mental tools.
